Monday, August 17, 2020

Acceptable Violations

There are currently three requirements in some stores, in no particular order. One is that even if you are 105 and look like you are on death's door, you have to show ID to buy alcohol. This is apparently the solution to having to deal with kids under 21 who seek to buy alcohol. Don't enforce against them or people who sell to them. Simply inconvenience everyone by creating rules that make no sense. The second is "no dogs allowed, unless they are service dogs". I suppose the idea is that your pet should not be around food or other perishables, and that there are people who are allergic to dogs who shop in them. Now, I am a big animal person, so I don't care about that one particularly, but I completely am on board with it because it has clear logic and reasonableness.  The third, of course, is the wearing of masks in order to "flatten the curve" of the Corona Virus. Now, if you are in a plane, right next to someone, crushed in like a proverbial sardine, you CAN take off the mask to have a snack. If you are at a restaurant that has outdoor seating, you must wear the mask while standing at your table, or walking through the restaurant, but you can eat, talk and breathe freely at your table, as long as you are sitting. If you are homeless in Los Angeles, whether or not you actually wear a mask, you can live, eat, and poop on the street while I am passing by fully garbed and in danger of fine and ample shaming. 

Joe Biden, apparently thinking he is already President, opined that "we" should be wearing masks for at least three more months. Is that three months starting now? Or is it three months from the time that Kamala is sworn in? Or three months that becomes forever? 

Well, of course, we can't flatten the curve. We can and probably have (unless you believe the screamers on national media) flattened this one, but they are 80 or so days shy from admitting it, depending on who becomes the President. If Kamajoe is the winner, then it will be over and life will return to its progressive bliss. If the Orangeman wins it will remain with us for the NEXT four years. And anyway, no matter who wins, after all, there are plenty of diseases out there affecting the human race that probably require life long mask wearing, per the folk who "follow the science". 

I digress, as I am wont to do. What got me started today? Well, it is a particularly hot day in Los Angeles, and I had to visit the UPS store for a friend, and thus I had to wear a mask. In fact, a young, trendy woman came in without one, and was immediately given the appropriate remonstration. She had a bandanna with her--a fresh new one she was clearly hoping that she would not be required to don--and she complied, with that air of youthful contempt which is so lovely to behold in the millenials and zoomers. I could barely breath, but it was only for a few minutes. My next stop was the local monster drug and sundry store. As I wended my way through the aisles I saw three customers, masked because otherwise they would be tossed out, with their respective dogs. None had anything indicating that they were service dogs. I got to the counter to pay for my goods, which included, two large cans of beer.

I would have said nothing about the inconsistencies on display in the enforcement of the rules du jour. But then she asked for my identification so that I would be permitted to take those two cans of beer. 

I made my complaint. Why are you allowing people in here with their dogs, but requiring me to wear a mask and to be carded? She has surely heard versions of this lament before, and dutifully gave me a number to call with my fruitless objections. 

Right now, it is approved progressive behavior to have your dogs in stores. They don't feel threatened by any public health consequences. Their politicians are in control. And woe betide any poor store keep who tries to point out that it is a rule. It is also progressive ideology that I don't have to present ID to vote, but at nearly 70 I must present some to buy alcohol.  And it is a matter of panic if I don't wear a mask in a store. It doesn't have to be clean or otherwise useful. A bandanna is useless but approved. I have seen people with shirts pulled up over their faces. Approved. A plastic face mask is not acceptable. 

What really makes me mad, I realize? I lack the courage to violate openly, like so many people, some I agree with, some I do not. 

Dennis Prager, who is making waves against progressive tyranny and thus is being royally attacked in an effort to silence him, has asked the logical question that causes hysteria in the left, "When will it be safe for us to go without masks?"  Well, of course, the answer which no one is willing to give because then people might wake up to the fact that they are being primed for the next great restriction, is "NEVER".  It will never be safe. We can't be safe. We are temporary creatures.We get sick. We die. We die from eating. We die from drinking. We die from everything under the sun and so far, there is no stopping it. We were told it was only temporary, this wearing of masks. We are now in the sixth month. 

So it is not about safety. It never was about safety. Otherwise having a dog in the grocery store would not be allowed. But in the course of brainwashing and remaking modern man who used to be free, it is an acceptable violation. Until it's not. 

The most frightening thing, though, is that soon it will not be an acceptable violation to object to all of these inconsistencies and arbitrary rules. It won't be enough to comply. You will have to enjoy it or be punished. Feel free, say I am wearing a tin foil hat. And pretend past history can't become present history. 


Today, I heard the good news from California's public health spokesperson that the number of deaths and hospitalizations is down 37 percent and that five of six goals have been met but people must continue to wear their masks and avoid congregating. They should also stay home while conserving energy in the current heat wave or go to State approved cooling centers. So, the curve has been flattened? No? It must be eradicated? Wanna bet that masks will remain the order of the day? You know, that "new normal" of the aptly misnamed Open Society? 

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