Friday, November 26, 2021

Today's Tale of the Saavy Virus and the Never Ending Proscriptions and Restrictions

I have today, once again, been a good compliant citizen. Frankly, I hate myself for it. And wonder whether there will ever be a time when I will stand up and say "No! This far but no farther!" I went to my local pharmacy and took the booster shot to prop up the vaccination that lasts maybe eight months, but is the sine qua non of permission to move about in our society. 

As I walked to my appointment, I noted the majority wearing their masks outside, though that mandate has not yet been reinstated. I was quasi-amused by a woman who reached her car fully masked and then as she opened the car door, pulled it down and let out a great sneeze as I crossed her path. I noted the streams of dog pee from every planter in front of a commercial/residential building, over which I stepped carefully. But there is no dog pee contamination emergency, so all was well. I was a little early to the courtyard where my pharmacy is, so I sat in one of the public chairs and people watched and read the ever increasing signs on various businesses. One of course, was the requirement to show a vaccine card to staff for indoor dining, where one will still have to wear a mask while standing, but not whilst eating. As I have, and others have observed, this is one heck of a saavy virus, from a medical point of view, because it knows when people are standing and sitting, and when I sit and eat without a mask, the virus is very empathic and does not invade my body. Is that not the science? Airplanes I hear are variously strict (depending on the company and whether the staff were former hall monitors) but when one bites one's meagre food offerings or the ones brought from home, one may lower the mask, but immediately replace it while chewing. That will keep the virus at bay, I have no doubt. Not.

Anyway, back to my people watching. A couple sat next to one another. She was wearing her mask. He was not. They are in love; the virus knows that. It won't allow him to be get infected.

Then my favorite walked by. It was young woman fully masked, again, remember, outdoors, wearing an "Obey" T-Shirt. 

I leave you a link to one explanation of the OBEY shirt line. It was, as I thought, a way to project that you were non-conforming, questioning.

In the young lady's case, it is a literal truth. Obey. Or be banned. And here, she didn't need to be wearing a mask, outside. But she was. To be fair, as needs I must be, perhaps she has another very good reason for her obedience. But I could not help a slight shiver of cognitive dissonance. 

The other prominent sign on pretty much all the transparent doors was the one that said "Help Wanted" for pretty much all jobs. Now, some people say that the reason for there being a job glut in this arena is that people are getting paid not to work. I buy that this was true, for a while. But many people are no longer getting the hefty unemployment. My personal sense? Since people have to work in hot kitchens and run around serving people at a quick pace wearing masks, I think that they find that impossible. I don't have such a job but I find wearing the mask to shop, when I am compelled to go inside any establishment (as I did to get the booster) tormenting, not a mere inconvenience, which I have been told I must believe it to be.For fifteen days, that might have been a reasonable remonstration. But not going on two years. Sorry. No. But people looking for a job can't say what they think or feel because it is verboten. A friend told me yesterday that someone she knows flew about 5 or 6 hours wearing a mask as required, and when he took it off, the area behind his ears were badly irritated. Too bad. So sad. Right? 

My appointment time arrived. I masked up. My free booster. But you see, it's really not free, any more than the original vaccinations were. It gets charged to all those entities which insure me, and you, and for which our hiking taxes go. Medicare if you are that age. Your company's insurance company. Your third party provider. I showed all my documents, my license, my vax card, my insurance cards. Question. As voter ID is considered heinous, how are those folks without identification getting their shots? Maybe there is a program where you can say, "I have nothing to show you but vax away!" And I must assume that none of these people buy alcohol, at least in California, where you must show ID even if you are Methusaleh on a walker. 

The staff makes you wait fifteen minutes, as you know, after your shot. They hold the vax card until you have attained the full fifteen minutes. After that, you can collapse freely, should that be your fate. No liability for the pharmacy! 

I was hungry before I went for my shot. I was hungry afterwards. I really wanted to get something. But, this little hill I have been sort of standing on---imperfectly, as I showed my card at a nursing home the other day, and on a social occasion I had agreed to attend, though once inside most people weren't wearing masks and no one interdicted, and I will rise above my principles, yet again, when I go to another social occasion in December--I said to myself I can resist it here, now. No shwarma. I love shwarma. No Wokcano. I could go for their hot and sour soup. Nope. Nope. Not even Starbucks. No drive in here, which is what I usually do. No browsing at the modern furniture store that I'd usually do. Small resistances for this girl who always has obeyed authority, who thinks we are being groomed for ultimate control. There will always be a good public health reason.

For example, today I heard that there is a new variant out of South Africa, that has a mutation or more than one mutation causing "immune evasion".

Did you know that the measles is coming back? You know why? Because during the Covid pandemic lockdowns, parents weren't getting their children vaccinated against the measles.

I believe that when the society tolls all the deaths from "Excess causes" down the ahem, "scientific" road, we will read (if the social media and MSM censor trolls don't limit the views) that more people died from other causes, loneliness, suicide, untreated diseases, than from the public health crisis of "Covid". And every freedom that ever defined us will be gone, given to an administrative state for which none of us voted, even the progressives among us. 

For now, most of my "resistance" is verbal. I know what is happening to us. I feel it in my bones. I am among many who do. But unlike others, I am still conceding to getting my vaccinations and this booster. I am in some form of solidarity with them in so far as am avoiding as much as possible going into places that require the proof of vaccination (HYPPA SCHMPA where some bureaucrat says so). But since I do go to nursing homes to visit friends therein residing, and because I have always taken whatever vaccinations required, I have complied. But if, as I expect, I will hear another booster is required, or an entirely new version of the vaccine is necessary, or that there is a mutation that re-requires lockdowns and masking outside again, and not seeing anyone, I will have to reconsider, because then I will be sure of the game I already believe is being played to test the resolve of the citizen to be free. Will I? Probably not. I am a coward, truth be told. That's what the ubiquitous "they" count on.

But I can always wear an "Obey" T-shirt and pretend I am brave.

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