Tuesday, May 3, 2022


It has been over two months, not far from three, since I have made any entry onto this blog.

I can tell you why. It's because the state of humanity, never pristine, sees to be at its nadir. There was a time, where, though imperfect indeed, the United States maintained the recognition and pursuit of objective truth and a unified moral imperative that recognized a Power higher than ourselves. One could hope that America would be at the head of a global reawakening. 

That time seems to have passed. Our leaders have led us instead to an earthly pit that is a shadow of the eternity of hell.

The only reason I am not personally, utterly demoralized--and some days it is a close question--is that I do believe in God and all that entails. Nothing and no one will prevail against His Goodness--certainly not his own creatures. And my job is to stand with Him, and stick with Him, no matter what I see around me. I will be asking for the Grace to do that till the moment before I die. It isn't a sure thing that I will exercise my free will any better than anyone else. 

As I write, the news is full of the leak of a draft--partial it appears as not all concurring or dissenting opinions are included-- of a momentous, long awaited decision of the Supreme Court, which, purports to overturn the ill constructed Roe v. Wade by which the Judiciary legislated a Federal right to abortion in 1973. This does not mean, alas, that abortion is no longer legal in the United States. It does affirm states' rights. That is, each state has a right to make its legislation (or maintain that which it has) in this arena. So, California and New York, for example, will be able happily to continue sacrificing children at the altar of abortion. Nonethless, the pro-abortion advocates are wailing and bemoaning, and seem to have come out in such numbers so quickly that it suggests they knew of the impending leak before it actually dripped on the rest of us.  Protests are being scheduled for today. The idea that many many many women, including me, do NOT support abortion never occurs to them. And if those folks do any protesting, they are targeted for interfering in a woman's rights. The heck with the babies' rights. As to that leak, does it concern anyone that its occurrence is another fissure in the deconstruction of the United States? Some unelected person, some kid, probably as the staff is no doubt predominately young, decided to take an action calculated to throw the independent decision making of the Highest Court in the land into question. Supposedly the Chief Justice, having just confirmed that yes, this was a real draft, is seeking an investigation. Well, we'll see if there is any actual consequence to that person or persons, if uncovered, or revealed, when uncovered.

That's the thing about man made as opposed to natural law or God based rules--when men make the rules they are applied variously. If one group riots, but its narrative is the one held by those in power, they are considered to be exercising their rights. If another does anything remotely close to that, but their narrative is unapproved, they are considered dangerous extremists. When David Daleiden did an series of undercover reports showing that abortion is an industry of profound and bloody commercialism, he was, and continues to be prosecuted for RICO crimes and is said not to have a journalist's rights. He's not exposing a Watergate and therefore beloved for his bravery. He's attacking a sacred industry of eradicating our young called "womens' rights". Here, note, everyone can define the nature of a woman, something our newest Justice of the Court, cannot. 

Then there is the War in Ukraine. I feel such sadness for the people who have been victimized by the dictator of Russia. However, when I see Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and some others of the Democrat party say they will support the Ukraine until "Victory is Won", as much as I would want to help the poor souls of the Ukraine, I find myself VERY suspicious, given all the surrounding machinations of prior years by other Democrats, and family members. Has War against Russia been declared? Did I miss something? I'd like to believe that it is some grand principle that is motivating all this talk. But let me just say, I do not. The opportunism is transparent. And alas, who suffers, the dying people of the Ukraine. 

Then there is our leader. Notwithstanding the fact that from the day he ran from office, he was obviously impaired, common sense is not allowed to shout, "The Emperor has dementia!" He was purportedly elected, but he is clearly not the one running the country.

Americans are being led by an anonymous (though we could take bets on who they are) group of unelected individuals. As used to be said by one of the characters, a lawyer, in Ally McBeal--"I need a moment". Do you not see the imminent danger in this reality?

And you know when I knew that we were at the lowest point? It was at that sad moment a month or two ago, when Barack Obama made a triumphant public appearance at the White House, "jokingly" calling Mr. Biden along with Kamala Harris his "vice president(s)" and leaving the confused old man wandering amid the crowd with not one staff person, not one person period, talking to him. When the fragile and vacant Joe pitifully put his hand on Mr. Obama's shoulder, with everyone pretending they didn't notice, Obama did not even turn around or drop the wide smile being directed at one of his acolytes. You or I would at least have looked to see who it was. He knew who it was. And we would have said, "Be right with you" or something instead of a complete and utter disregard of the putative President of the United States. 

Only prayer and the Will of God in response to it may change it, but my sense at that moment was of the punctuation of the death of the United States. 

I try to keep informed. But I don't trust anything I hear from my leaders.Or the mainstream press. I never thought I would experience that in the United States. 


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