It's been too hard to write over this last several weeks. There have been just too many acts of pure evil perpetrated by human beings that are reported over and over and over and over until I want to scream. "If it bleeds, it leads" indeed and then some. I can't listen to anything from the media and I find reading the local newspapers enraging. And that I think is what is the point of these so-called sources of "information". It is not to state facts, that old, "where, what, when and who" of journalism long dead so you or I can decide what is true, truth having a foundation of long developed premises on which everyone agrees. No, it is opinion without fact or nuance. It is outright brainwashing. It is government, and groups, (professing but not demonstrating the liberality of ideas) censoring discussion. Social media isn't 'social' at all. But it is another locale for opinions without either substance or knowledge of philosophy or history or the Natural Law out of which this country was painstakingly developed by people who are summarily disregarded because unlike the man, woman or self-identifying individuals of our enlightened century, they weren't so well endowed with humanistic perfection.
What set me off today was something very small, but something I have noticed a great deal as I drive around Los Angeles. The driver in front of me doesn't signal a turn. "So what?" you might say. That small behavior is the seed of the larger breakdown of everything around us. It is another tendril of what was once called, in the days of Rudy Giulani as Mayor of New York, "the broken window syndrome". If you allow people to mar a neighborhood by breaking windows, and leaving them broken, or defacing with graffitti, or, for example, as a driver, never signal, without consequence, then it is easy to slide into the bigger things. There are a million "little things" that our society considers no big deal, even if there might be a "law" on the books about it. Like spitting on the street. People spit on the street all the time. Sometimes right in front of you. What's the big deal? Well, it's illegal for a reason. It is profoundly unsanitary aside from the fact that it disregards anyone in the vicinity or anyone who will be in the vicinity to step on the product left in utter contempt for the "other".
American society is breaking down. Unless a miracle occurs, I truly do not believe that America will make it to its 250th year, let alone its 300th. We are presently at year 240, and every underpinning of that delicate structure that has been America is being systematically deconstructed. The only thing I will point to for now is, to me, national suicide--the insistence not only of taking God out of the foundation of the nation, but of denying that He ever was a cornerstone of its formation. The problem is that the documentation of history does not support that God was out of the mix. That is what Natural Law is, something from God, a Divine inspiration. I am not saying it. History says it. History may be interpreted but not to the point of utter distortion. I take that back. It can be interpreted to distortion. That distortion is destroying the United States.
It may seem like I am trying to convince the reader of a purely personal position. In a society which rejects the idea of First Principles, I can understand that. If there is no objective truth then everything is opinion which has force only if enough people share that opinion. Then comes the persecutions history tells us, but history itself has become personal opinion. So, no, I am not trying to convince.
I am trying to stay sane in the relatively few years that are statistically likely to be given to me. And, maybe, those others who see things as I do, will derive some sense of stability. We can nod our heads to one another in sympathy and support. I am looking to that God who is being so thoroughly forbidden in the very society that was developed under His inspiration to keep me from despair, but also from fear and cowardice, for in time, I will have to make choices that will demonstrate whether I truly believe in the God I profess. It isn't a sure thing for I am very very weak.
So like the prophet Habakkuk, I think the only thing to do is to pray.
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