Saturday, May 9, 2020

Fun with Podcasting!

Sheldon had his flags. I might have just latched onto podcasting, in addition to this blog.  We shall see what we shall see.

Some of you probably know if you read this blog that though I became an attorney and practiced for about 30 years, my heart was always in the less confrontational (sometimes) and more creative arts. I got sidetracked, nearly, from the law when I worked in college radio, and interned here and there in the media, and when I did some speculation script writing. Since my retirement I have boomeranged into some, if not all of my old interests. Whether they "go" anywhere, which is the province of the young and ambitious, is, in my dotage, less of an interest--though I would be lying if I said I had no ambition. But primarily, and particularly during these dark days of our history, it is about that psychological stage of life Erik Erikson called "generativity".

Back in the day, when I was at WFUV, to do a radio show you needed a whole room and a lot of help. Today, you can get a mike and headphones and plug a show into your computer and download it onto a site that makes it pretty easy for you. That isn't to say that it is easy. There is learning how to handle the software and figuring out what you want to "talk" about.

There were two things that if I could go back, and if I hadn't been risk averse and well, had some money to indulge in, that I would have focused my attention on--writing, and well, radio. Well, it may not be a career, but it is a darn terrific avocation. And, since I am a little bit on the lazy side, isn't it nice that I don't have to make a living with either.

But it would be nice, that, since I share my blog with you, and it does seem to get read, more of late when people are home, that I could share my new effort with you. Now, I know not everyone is a Catholic and this podcast is about being an ordinary Catholic in a crazy world, but I hope that there will be some things that will pique interest in all of you. We all struggle with the same big questions.

So, here, I hope is a picture of my podcast page. I have all of two "programs" and each is pretty short. Baby steps.

Feed on
Beginnings. This is a beginning for me in a different forum. I have been blogging for some years--DjinnfromtheBronxChapterThree.blogspot and I will continue to do that. But something about this time in our mutual histories, the world wide quarantine because of the Coronavirus, just tweaked my longstanding interest in establishing a podcast on a subject that occupies much of my world, and sharing it with others for whom that is also true, my Catholic Faith. It won't be anything fancy. I am no Teresa of Avila, though we might be talking about her down the road. You can call me Jinn for the purposes of this. . .what I hope to be a weekly gathering. I hope you'll let me know how it's going. 
A long ago question becomes relevant today, and the answer is. . . .Stay. 

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