Monday, October 19, 2020

Whose face? THAT face.

I guess I can honestly say that I am not, as the West Hollywood government commands, being a "maskhole". I have dutifully worn my mask to the extent that I go out at all any more. 

The hook upon which wearing masks is being successfully enforced is that most decent people don't want to take any chance that by doing or failing to do something they will hurt another human being.  The mantra is that science supports the absolute necessity to comply. But of course, SCIENCE does no such thing. The SCIENT-ISTS currently in vogue say so. Those that say otherwise, also quite a large group of people who only have credibility if they speak "right truth", are suppressed, "fact" checked, excised, fired and otherwise mocked and ridden out of town on a figurative rail, complete with psychological tar and feathers. 

The fact that those holding us in face prison or home lockdown once held precisely the same opinion as those of us who think mask wearing is not about public health. But that opinion did not serve the needs of politics, or manipulation or control. 

I have read and heard of people who seem to have tested positive for Covid, or had symptoms, who swear that they have held to the letter of the rules and regulations. I believe them. To me, that is further evidence that wearing masks and locking down and wreaking physical and psychological havoc on the society and its people is not merely futile, but persecutory. I know of at least one child, about age 8, who is now a full obsessive compulsive about germs. She wasn't before the mandates for our health.

We are now more than half a year past the time we were told, with great authority and reliance on the "right" scientists, these restrictions would become unnecessary as we "flattened the curve". I know, you say, "But the curve is not flattened!"  That was entirely predictable as we were told even back when this all started, in contravention to the promise of loosened restrictions, that in the fall, there would be a "second wave".  It's the fall. And the curve is winding up again. Lots of "positive" cases. What positive cases means is a malleable term. The fact that 99 percent of those who get the virus survive, and even 95 percent of those who are in risk categories, is irrelevant. It's flu season now too, so, it's looking like "flattening the curve" may be devoutly wished for but is an impossible dream. That is, unless certain social conditions are met in the opinion of those who are holding the political strings. 

What's gotten me on this yet again? Well, it was this West Hollywood campaign. How did I find out about it? Well, I was taking one of my furloughs into the outside world in my car, on my way to the doctor, I think, as provided by the usual terms of house arrest, and I saw a colorful banner, a person wearing a mask. It said, "Cover THAT Face!" Not something personal, like "Cover YOUR face!" or "Let's all cover OUR faces!" But THAT. One face is the same as another, and it is not animate or human, it is THAT. Nothing to distinguish us. One human being is the same as another. 

I know. Many of you don't agree. You are still of the opinion that this is all for our good. You think this is just temporary. You must think it is only temporary, or you would be in a state of panic for the reality, which is that when they say, "This is the new normal", they mean it, and what some totalitarian countries couldn't do by arms, has been done by our own countrymen, to cover us up, to shut us up (literally since you can't hear anyone in a mask), and to make sure that OUR faces are not seen one by another and that our interactions are kept quite, quite separate. 

Don't get me on the fact the Churches are still closed on the inside. . . .another levelling of humanity by fellow humans with the will to power, successfully engaging in the deconstruction of our society. 

I note in looking at the link below, that it says "Cover-your-face". Somewhere in the marketing, someone got the idea to make it THAT face. Yes. Be anonymous. Be compliant. 

People like me are having a particularly hard time. We have always bowed to authority. But authority no longer has the underpinning of anything resembling the objective good. It is now a matter of whatever the persons or groups who have power FEEL or WANT to accomplish. You believe it's about  health? In a way, it is. It's about THEIR health and well being. And if you get in their way, THAT anonymous face and the person it once signified will be sacrificed for the newly defined good. 

My dad, dead now nearly 13 years, predicted that our society was on its way to a catastrophe, though he couldn't possibly have conceived this particular scenario. He knew who would author the catastrophe. He used to say, "I won't be here for what happens, but I feel sorry for you, who will be." 

I didn't think it was possible to happen this fast. But here we are. So, you, "Cover THAT face!" And await further instructions.

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