Monday, February 21, 2022

It is the Season to Be Merry by Constantine Gochis

 I am home, indefinitely, as the crie du jour goes into the land once again, "Be Afraid, be very Afraid!" and no one seems able to avoid someone positive for Covid. A friend I saw last week was/is positive. I am, alas, a woefully fearful human being who knows in the depth of her being that the last two years have been an orchestrated use of an opportunity in the form of one of the many viruses and dangers that exist around us. Still, overwhelming fear means she cannot take the smallest chance that she might be responsible for the possibility that someone she has come into contact with is felled. Clearly whether one is vaccinated or not is irrelevant to the need to take basically the same scrupulous steps to prevent either sickness or death. This is particularly distressing in that sickness and death are inevitable no matter that in this one instance it MIGHT be held off. It may well come to the mind of one of our saavy politicians that, in fact, except for them in the pursuit of their duties and of course, the exceptions for their recreational needs, the rest of us should never be in contact with another human being because we are, walking germ sticks and are always likely to harm another. 

Be that as it may, I am here and I have plenty of time to add Dad's stories and observations. This was written circa 2001, after the murders at the World Trade Center. As you know, in more recent, enlightened years, we were told by a Congresswoman who was about 8 at the time the destruction happened, that "some people did something." Politifact said her comments had to be taken in context. I read the context. The description of the event is not changed by the context, in my opinion, if my opinion be allowed, as may not be the case. If my father is able to hear me, or even care in that he has met God and that trumps all earthly concerns, I think he would tell me that he is glad that he is dead, and reserves compassion for me, his daughter, who is living through the hell on earth courtesy of the diabolical leaders and their minions of the mass media and the universities.

The observations were written, apparently, around Christmas, 2001, because the title of the piece is "It is the Season to Be Merry".

Andy Rooney, of the CBS Magazine Show, Sixty Minutes, has read the Koran.I suspect he digested this monumental work in less than sixty minutes. Andy is a quick study.

He read his dissertation on that tome, and interpreted the liturgies of the West in less than five minutes.  I do not wish to critique his theology.  Suffice it to say that I suspect Rooney is another disenchanted Catholic who was kicked in the ass by a nun or an exasperated brother in an elementary school.  Probably with justification.

The content of the program featured two turncoats. The first was an FBI double agent whose twenty years of spying for the Soviets amounted to calumny and deceit beyond the metaphysical boundaries of Hell:  Death, sexual perversion, treason, among his lesser transgressions, which were legion.

The other, Senator Jeffors, who has achieved historical immortality by deceiving his supporters who elected him to his representative status, as well as the country, by an example of political chicanery unparalleled in two centuries. This pebble in a field of boulders gave leadership of the Senate to the political party whose obsession is oriented to the capture of Congress, even if it means damage to the defense of the country and the destruction of the economy as an added bonus.

His change of allegiance has brought the reign of senatorial leadership in the incarantion of Senator Daschle. This sombre, unsmiling postulant for hte Presidency, has hugged the current President in public and has then unleashed the dagger of obstruction in a campaign of calumny.  His acolytes fill the media with obsequious eulogies for George W, tempered by lies and deceitful allusions.  There is always the popular vote the Supreme Court intervention. The Supreme Court is only valid to the cultist Democrats when it refers to Roe v. Wade. 

The call has gone out to the faithful, "We need a new Gingrich!" The odds on favorite is Ashcroft, a prime choice for demonization, but he holds an eighty percent popularity rating among the unwashed.

Still, it is a dangerous war and surely Bush will stumble, and the economy will go bad and the mantra can be revitalized, "It's the economy stupid." It served to disestablish the father.  And will surely do in the son.  This is their hope for 2002 and 2004. 

Ask David Corn. Who is David Corn? He is the editor of The Nation.  The LA Times published his analysis of the Bush War effort in its opinion section.

"We are killing civilians in Afghanistan," is the substance of a full page of calumny.

There is no mention of the three thousand collaterals buried under the World Trade Center.

And the others of this species who have scurried into the dark in the illumination of the tragedy of September 11 venture out again.  The liberal strategists, cloaked in the texts of the Constitution, spew their venom against a country that gives them freedom.  They miss the hey day of the Alger Hiss apogee, the party faithful who took their orders from Moscow.

There are as many enemies within as without.

At the very least we dishonor our dead of World War II, the several hundred killed in our wars against the Soviets, and those who will surely pass as a sacrifice to the corrupted God that Andy Rooney has so quickly digested. 

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