Wednesday, March 1, 2017

March 27, 1956

Dear Rosetta:

Received a very short letter from you today and this made me realize how difficult it must have been for you to write every single day in view of the dearth of excitement at hoe.  I don't think I ever told you how grateful I have been for this consideration and thoughtfulness on your part.  I am very--and I have looked forward to receiving those pink and blue envelopes each and every day.

There remain some ten days or so to the course and they are pouring it on.  Probably there was a miscalculation on the part of the planning board and the Army requires that a specified course have so many hours of so many given subjects.  This week we had three exams, so far and there is still one more to go.  Next week we will be given the afternoon off to see the Cincinnati Reds play at the Ft. Gordon Ball Park.

It has been turning warm, which indicates that Spring is here in earnest.  So far, there has been only minor damage to "your" peach blossoms in South Carolina.  By the way, I don't think I mentioned this before, but South Carolina is just across a little bridge from Augusta.

Some officers from the Military Government Companies in New York arrived, yesterday.  One was from my company--Bill O'Connor, a NYC cop who manages to amass quite a sizable income from regular attendance at these Army schools.

I shall miss you very strongly these last few days of the course.  Regardless of what you say I shall put my hand on your thigh and continue to do so until you find it quite a natural and desirable thing. Surprise--didn't think there was a prudish bone in your body.

Today, we had one officer missing from the class, which indicates that a wedding was taking place somewhere.  I am curious to hear what developments will occur.

This coming Saturday will mark my last weekend away.  I should be chez-moi the Sunday following at about noon--if all goes well.  Is there any procedure you would like me to follow?  Shall I surprise you by just walking in?. . . Shall we have time for ourselves that day?

Sent your mother and Rita an Easter card.  Did you like the one I sent Djinna?  It was the only child's card in the area.  I thought it was a little old for her but there was something about the card that reminded me of her.

No more for now.  A hug and a kiss for baby and for you. . .

Wait, my love

T'is soon tomorrow


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