Sunday, October 15, 2023

Cats Galore

Hollywood, my first California cat, circa 1981,was a little kitten when I got him in Torrance, Ca. and he lived to the ripe age of 18 passing on in 1999. His adopted sister, who looked like a litter clone, Trouble, came into our lives in 1989 and she lived until 2008. Cat lovers will enjoy, I hope.

I wish you could see his little face, but the shot itself was dark and I could not improve it sufficiently. But you can tell from his size just how young Hollywood was. He is sitting in front of my Los Angeles apt. window in the Fairfax District on top of a loaner desk from my uncle upon which I studied for the California Bar. In these early days, Hollywood was a bit like a dog, playing fetch with rolled up tin foil. Somewhere down the line maybe I'll find that pic.

Above and below, various shots of Hollywood, and of Trouble.

They really were mirror images no?

And after Hollywood, and Trouble, and in a bit of an overlap, came Bud and Bert. Bud and Bert were part of one of several litters of a cat that ultimately, if memory serves, got hit by a car. My then neighbor and I agreed that he'd catch them (there were like 5-7 of them) and we'd split the cost of spay and neuter. Two of one of the litters, who were a bit older, stayed in our backyard, while the younger kits were adopted out. Over time, I became largely responsible for them both, and we spent much time together in my seedy apartment back yard, which developed into something a little less seedy due to each of the neighbors putting in various improvements from plants to a little gazebo. You really couldn't tell easily which was Bud and which was Bert; they looked nearly identical. I could tell after much exposure to their somewhat distinct personalities. Bert died of natural causes, at least I think. I found him under one of our parked cars one morning, no injuries, just as if he were laying out for a nap. He was a senior cat, around 15 or more. Bud stayed outside for a while longer, but as he got older and less limber, I would let him come inside my apartment for a look see until one day, he didn't leave. He lived until he was 21, the longest lived of my cats. 

Bud and Bert living the good life in the backyard.

Accustoming Trouble to a new boarder. Bud sees his likeness for the first time.

Every cat has been a pleasure. 

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