Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Victoria, British Columbia, 2006

Our next destination is as above. If I did not have such a profound fear of flying (though I guess it isn't quite a phobia as I will do it after much mental gyration, and the thoughts in my head while I'm flying--you don't want to know!), I imagine there are many more places I would have gone in my life. But I am pleased that I did at least manage some, and every one was spectacular. When I worked at the State Bar, one of the secretaries was a woman named Kay Kidwell. In some ways, she reminded me of the character in the Beverly Hillbillies, Jane Hathaway (the late Nancy Culp). I did not ever learn much about her, except that she had had some interesting jobs, and the State Bar was a rather staid one in the scheme of things. She was articulate, quietly cynical but always kind, and for me our real bonding came because she loved animals as I do. Truth be told, when things at my old job got me into a tizzy, but I couldn't really share with many, I was able to share with her, and she somehow always helped me land back in calm. She had a little do dad machine on her desk that ticked away the days until her retirement and retire she did, somewhere in the area of 2004, I'm thinking. She bought a little house in Victoria. In 2006, my colleague and friend Dede went on a visit there and shared a lovely several days with her menagerie of pets.  I kept in touch for a while after I came back to Los Angeles; I think Dede did better than I did on that score. But I suppose the distance attenuated both our connections. Last year, we found out that Kay had passed away. It's at moments like these that I regret my reluctance to travel to friends and places. 

So, first, I flew to Seattle. I almost forgot I had done that. Forgot I saw the Needle.  It was really a pass through. Got a cab and to the departure of the boat that takes you to Victoria Harbor. 


Quite the boat ride. I forget how long it is. Long enough to appreciate the water and the sky. I loved being in the back near the wake. 

Below, one of our first adventures was a stop at a nice pub, where in Canada we sang "Bye Bye Miss American Pie".  I checked. The Irish Times is still there! 

Lots of going around with the dog. Oh, dear, I cannot remember his name any longer, but I do believe he was part wolf. And what a sweetie.

Butchart Gardens, created out of a quarry. 

Below some of the menagerie. 

The Empress was built beginning in 1904 and opened in 1908, It was named after Queen Victoria. Happily it is considered an historic site. Magnificent inside and out. We did not have high tea though which is apparently quite the event there these days.

On the beach with Kay, Dede and the dog.

They had dog parks in Victoria before we had them here, where the pets could go into the water with you.

Good memories, of a place and of a person who touched my life. Rest in Peace Kay. 

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