Sunday, October 22, 2023

Hawaii 2006

Although I worked for the State Bar of California for some 25 years, and though I was a manager for about 10 of those years, I only rarely was able to attend the NOBC, National Organization of Bar Counsel, events that mostly took place in locales in the mainland United States, but on occasion in such as Hawaii. I went to Chicago and Philadelphia in my time, and once when it was held in San Francisco. But in 2006 I got lucky, because I was to be a presenter and I would get to make the first of two visits to Hawaii, specifically Oahu, and Waikiki. My presentation was less than spectacular, alas, though my boss at the time, the late Scott Drexel, was very kind when I felt the need to confess my poor performance. I didn't know him well, but I miss him, and his very real commitment to the legal profession's ethics--a rarity in these wild west days--especially among our national, state, and local leaderships. We attended a whole bunch of seminars, but we did get a chance to venture forth and see the sights. I engaged in my first, and thus far, only effort at Kayaking, a 50 something bringing up the rear of kayaks, in a field of 20 something beautiful bodies. As I looked at some of the photos (among those not posted here) I was probably at my fattest. Still, I managed the activity in Kailua, a pristine part of Oahu. And a residence of the very rich. And I got to spend time with colleagues and friends, as well as to visit one of my now late aunts, who had taken up residence there, in Oahu, though not in the most view worthy area. Truth is, most of the interior is rather like any city. Her life had become somewhat difficult by then, and I was able to bring her to share my room for a day or so, and took her to the Outrigger for dinner. 

We really did work hard--those seminars are incredibly. . . .shall we say, boring?! But we didn't miss one of them. Rewards, below. 

The view from my room.  

Hawaiian palm trees are different from those in Los Angeles. Slimmer, better fronds. And they blow beautifully in the wind. 

A group shot at dinner somewhere, Murray, Anita, Kristin, Jeff, Tom Mills, Itzel among them. A couple of folks, alas, not sure who they are. Kim and Jeff.

Another group shot.

There is no trip to Oahu, without a visit to the Arizona and the brave men who died at the beginning of the battle to save the world. 

In 2006, the oil from the destroyed Arizona still rose from the surface. A reminder of the extremity of the sacrifice that in my view, Americans HAVE forgotten. (Sorry)

Yes, I was in one of those kayaks. Forgot to use suntan protection on my legs. I was lobster red.

The Duke's Statue on the strand, and another picture of the ocean, can't get enough of that.

My room and a daytime view from the terrace.

And below, my Aunt Kathleen, now passed away (2014), and her friend Leaujay (who lived to a great age up to 2016). 

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