Monday, February 20, 2017

March 19, 1956

Dear Rosetta,

There are only nineteen days remaining. . .

I should like to inform you that I took a drink or two or three for my birthday.  Your letter advising me to do so arrived too late for me to say I was acting on your suggestion.  Nevertheless, I thank you for the thought.

Last night I danced all night--that is till 12 midnight--to the music of Russ Carlyle.  My dancing partners were provided by five very charming and acquiescent officers all of whom are unhappy on the dance floor.  All the girls were excellent dancers and were delighted to find someone to rumba, samba and mambo with, to say nothing of jitterbug.  I understand by the various comments heard round and about that I am a good dancer.  Probably was the scotch.  Will you forgive this infidelity?

It is now Iranian New Year, 1355 to be exact.  My Iranian friends have been in to extend me holiday greetings. . .Also, I enclose Russ Carlyle's autograph, which you can dispose of as you see fit.  He was at our table and we had a lot of laughs and repartee out of which came the autograph--asked for so he would not feel unwelcome.  He complained that no one had asked him for one--jokingly of course.

Tomorrow there is another examination.  Next week will be three and the following week the Comprehensive.  That does it.  On the 5th of April we are holding our class party and on the 6th we leave for our various homes.  I shall be happy to return.  Happier because you are there waiting for me. And happiest because I know I don't want to be away from home.

Now I shall study for the exam.  Just one more kiss and

Bye for now

Love Buddy

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