Tuesday, February 28, 2017

March 25, 1956

Dear Rosetta:

Today is Greek Independence Day, which in itself means nothing.  I have no particular fondness for the Greeks or any other national group and consider these celebrations another manifestation of the human being insisting on deluding himself by self-induced hysterias based on false premises of some national excellence or other.  Well, March 25 is only 13 days away from April 8 (as it happens the date on which my father died in 2008) on which day I will be hoe.  This day will be indeed an event worthy of celebration.

What do you think?  Shall we out with another bottle of champagne, that is, after all the other festivities, relatives, etc. are done with-light a candle or two and just plain neck? How does the idea appeal to you?  In your next letter please indicate your concurrence or otherwise.

I am spending this Sunday studying.  This week has three examinations in store for us--all of them heavily weighted.  When I get home I shall show you the mass of technical data that was thrown at us during this thirteen week course.  It is unbelievable.

It is a warm and sunny day today.  Naturally, the firemen are sending up masses of unnecessary heat.  Last night it was cold and there was no steam.  I would like to be the Commanding Officer in charge of this group for just one day.

Have you noticed that my letters are becoming more and more labored, now that the time for homecoming approaches.  It seems I have explored in my letters every conceivable subject available, in these parts.  We seem now to be in a static, unchanging state each and every day.


I imagine you have completed plans for the baby's birthday party.  I would like to know what day you expect to have it on and where.  I will be home definitely on Sunday the 8th.  Most probably around mid-afternoon.  I would be interested to know what you plan to have for the occasion.

Do you think the baby will find me strange after so long a separation?  I wonder how long it will take me to get back into her good graces?  I keep thinking how nice it would have been to have both of you with me during this tour.  I would have had two dolls to show off to all and sundry.

I shall close, now, since I am running out of things to say.

Will you forgive this poverty of expression and accept a little

Love from Me

in Expiation


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